Friday, October 31, 2008

So you think the Democrats will manage to lose the election anyway????

No room left for nervousness for me, I've voted ..... Obama is my guy,...and IF the Dems do as you are opining,...well then it's on their heads and it will be time to at least seriously explore the possibility of Canada...
I am a Patriot, a decorated soldier, a preacher, and a heretic, a drunk, and doper (well ex- on the last two)...and even someone as compromised as myself can see the genuine potential in Obama. I was serious about having tears in my eyes on the night he was accepting the nomination.. It has been few, the number of truly historic positive politicians, offhand I can think of only two, or three if you want to count Father Abraham
... If this goes south in a bag of burning dog poo... sticking around would be so very hard...I'm not sure I could...
We have to start the journey toward actually being adults in the world community and not just brandishing our bigger sticks and yelling, "'Cause I say SO!!"...and to me this one thing, race, is a starting point... We have been trying to get this behind ourselves for far too long to just let it continue .. I see hope in Obama, I see that starting point..
And as a patriot I want that start...then we can take another step, and another, and another...
All history began this step. One action. One hope.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Essaress ; Prior of the F.C.F.J., said...

And as I always say,"If you're gonna beat up a stupid kid, make sure you aren't being videotaped"...wait, no.., that's what spring break cops say... I always say something different...errr, what was that again???hmmm, well it was something about religion and the role it has played in history to date in providing us with fertile ground for ignorant, and destructive ideology to blossom into what many ignorant and destructive people call "Faith"...
Just a crutch for , and a shield for hiding behind whilst one makes otherwise unacceptable and socially reprehensible personal attacks upon the nature of another, or upon that persons character...
I'm with Bill all the way here...I'm sick of this stupidity being pampered and kowtowed to as though it were in itself a thing of obvious reverence...
If someone is insane or ignorant enough to stand in front of you and claim that there is "
Real" proof that the dinosaurs and people co=existed, then that person and ANYTHING ELSE they say should be relegated to the box in your head labeled,"Complete Bullshit"...
There is no being generous here, no common ,"middle ground"..these fanatics are going to ruin all of our days if we don't as a group of adults stand up to this pervasive mind fog that they spread in the name of GOD...
I am serious.

3:32 PM PDT

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Hello Kiddies, hello virgins (we'll keep calling you that ok?? Our little secret)
Well October the 25th approaches again....same thing as last year okay?? Holy day, Saint Crispy, etc....
Oh,, shoes, shoes.... remember the shoes...
I have to report to you sadly that Ill be engaged again for the foreseeable future in Out Man-ing the "MAN" it will be a while maybe before I get back here....